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We are ‘testing the waters’ to gauge investor interest in an offering under Regulation Crowdfunding. No money or other consideration is being solicited. If sent, it will not be accepted. No offer to buy securities will be accepted. No part of the purchase price will be received until a Form C is filed and only through Wefunder’s platform. Any indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind.
WeFunder Campaign
To participate in this project under Regulation Crowdfunding please go to our official WeFunder campaign @ wefunder.com/maximus.energy.
Why Fusion?
There is a nearly universal consensus that fusion energy will power out future because it is:
- Inexhaustible: deuterium fusion fuel is obtained from water,
- Cheap: 10 milligrams of deuterium = 1 barrel of oil,
- Safe: radiation is entirely contained within the reactor and ceases when the reactor is turned off,
- Zero emission: the reactor does not emit CO2 or other pollutants,
- Zero waste: the reactor does not produce nuclear waste requiring remediation.
Our Objective
Our objective is to revolutionize power generation and locomotion by designing and manufacturing compact, inexpensive thermonuclear fusion reactors for:
- Shipping industry (e.g. oceanic container ships, etc.),
- Semi-trucks, freight trains,
- Water desalination plants,
- Electric power plants.
Please review our MTF Opportunity presentation for complete details.
What Are Common Approaches to Fusion?
- Magnetic Confinement: extremely hot plasma is created and kept in place using super-strong magnetic fields. Very difficult and very expensive.
- Inertial Confinement: extremely hot plasma is created and kept in place by compressing a solid fusion target using super-strong lasers. Very difficult and very expensive.
Our Approach
Our approach is different:
- We are expanding and collapsing nanobubbles in fluids using acoustic waves.
- Each bubble is a microscopic thermonuclear reactor therefore we call our approach Microscopic Thermonuclear Fusion (MTF).
- Our approach is substantially similar yet significantly different from ‘bubble fusion’.
- Each bubble generates a tiny amount of fusion, but there are trillions of bubbles that pulsate million times per second; this allows harvesting several kilowatts of thermal energy from one liter of working fluid.
Nuclear fusion does not have to cost billions and require decades to develop. By leveraging the extreme simplicity of our MTF approach we are able to build low CapEx / low OpEx fusion systems, which are comparable to size and cost of a car engine.

Instead of employing massive lasers to compress a fusion target or mega-magnets to confine plasma, we rely on the nature of collapsing bubbles to do the work for us.
Potential Applications
It is not a secret that one of the largest man-made sources of carbon dioxide emissions on Earth is the oceanic shipping industry. One day we plan to replace mammoth diesel engines of container ships with inexpensive and green thermonuclear fusion reactors that will not produce any greenhouse emissions and will consume only minute quantities of deuterium fuel thus making the oceanic freight almost completely green and much less expensive than it is today.
We also dream to reduce carbon dioxide and pollutant emissions worldwide as well as lower ground transportation costs by providing compact and light-weight fusion reactors for semi-trucks and freight trains.
Incidentally, thermonuclear fusion can produce vast quantities of cheap and clean fresh water by making evaporative desalination too cheap to meter. Thermonuclear desalination will help address critical water shortages and drought crises that plague our planet with increasing frequency each year.
Last but not least, building gigawatt-size reactors will enable generation of electric power at a small fraction of the current cost and completely eliminate emissions from burning fossil fuels.
Project Progress
When we started our fusion research in 2021 we put forth the following plan.
Year 1: Demonstration of the Proof of Concept
The goal was to build a reactor to demonstrate the neutron yield coincident with cavitation. We are proud to acknowledge that this goal was achieved in 2022, within 12 months from starting the project.
Year 2: Developing Better Understanding of the MTF Process and Demonstrating Control
In order to harness MTF we must develop a good understanding of what makes it work. While general physics of the process is well understood, there are numerous interacting parameters that must be studied carefully in order to chart the parametric space and lay out the engineering foundations of the MTF process. This is the stage we are at currently at, and we expect to arrive at the MTF engineering model by the end of 2024.
Year 3: A Net-Energy Producing Reactor Design
Once we have the engineering model we expect to spend the next year or two engineering and building a net-energy producing reactor capable of generating about 10 kilowatts of net thermal power output. This reactor design will be a starting point for the commercialization process during which we expect to license the technology and start designing reactors for various applications mentioned above. Because of the low cost and simplicity of our design, even a 10-kilowatt prototype will have a substantial commercial value in water desalination and other processes requiring low-grade heat.
Enabling Technology
We owe our success to our proprietary Automated Nuclear Lab system and PulseCounter Pro software, which together enable rapid nuclear experimentation with automated data collection and analysis. The implementation of the Automated Nuclear Lab system enabled us to save tens of millions in capital and years of research & development effort.

For press releases and updates follow us on linkedin. For employment or investment opportunities reach out via email.