Scintacor neutron detection sheet is a giant 6Li-scintillator based neutron detector suitable for registering thermal neutrons – Fig. 1. Thanks to 6Li, the detector sensitivity per unit area is is very similar to the the sensitivity of a 3He detector.

This detector requires +12V power (60 mA) and produces short (10 us) positive polarity pulses with amplitude on the order of 1-2 volts. Just like any other thermal neutron detector, the Scintacor neutron detection sheets requires moderator to slow down fast neutrons.
Thermal neutron spectrum of the Scintacor detector is shown on FIg. 2.

Note that the spectrum is the same as for a typical ZnS scintillator with no features corresponding to neutron energy. Therefore, this detector is suitable for thermal neutron counting only.
Thanks to its huge size (24″ long by 6″ wide in this example), Scintacor detector is perfect for detecting thermal neutrons from weak spatially extended sources.