Canberra 1510 is an older but nevertheless very nice and useful module that combines a high-voltage bias power supply (0 to 2kV, positive or negative polarity) with an adjustable gain preamp and a shaping amplifier. In other words, this unit is equivalent to a NIM-BIN setup shown on Fig. 1-2 of my LND 25169 neutron detector post. Originally this unit was meant to be used with a computer directly (it has a built-in ADC), but the interface has long become obsolete and it is impossible to find neither hardware nor software to use it.
Luckily, with the help of a PicoScope 4224 and PulseCounter software it is possible to give Canberra 1510 a new life as such setup has several advantages. Fig. 1. shows a Canberra 1510 gamma spectroscopy system where PicoScope 4224 is connected to the AMP OUT output of the unit. I connected a Bicron 2M2 NaI(Tl) gamma probe fitted with a Canberra base to the HVPS OUT, PREAMP POWER and AMP IN connectors on Canberra.

Because Canberra 1510 provides preamp power it can be used with very long cables and with PMT bases with built-in preamp. Additionally, Canberra 1510 can be used with neutron counters and even with HPGe detectors (thanks to the negative polarity option). In fact, Canberra 1510 can be used with just about with any type of radiation detector imaginable.
The shaped output of Canberra 1510 processed through the PulseCounter software results in high-resolution spectra, which stay crisp at very high count rates (hundreds of thousands of CPS) due to built-in pile-up rejection (PUR) feature.
Canberra 1510 is a universal / general-purpose preamp + shaping amp + bias supply combo that works well with the PulseCounter software. This system can be used just about with any detector type, including neutron counters and HPGe.
If you want one – I have one for sale on eBay.